For example I was training horses and the default horse training community lot didn't work, I'd start training then the action would be canceled before they horse started running. I had to replace some of the community lots with EA lots of the same type and there was one building that was completely blacked out and impossible to use so I just deleted it.

I've used Union Cove and while I really liked it better than any EA world it seemed kinda glitchy. No Resort, Dive Lots, Docks or House Boats, but can be added. Has most expansion pack community lots, except for WA, Uni and IP. All Original Townie Families in their homes. Zipped Save File, Will need to travel to WA destinations as well as University, Original Sunset Valley, edited on the Original world file. Has Dive lots, houseboats and hidden island. Has most community lots, except for WA lots and University lots. Sunset Island 2 (Updated to Into the Future) May not have all features, but there is room enough to add different expansion / Sims 3 Store lots. The Sims 3 Pleasantview Recreation ~ Original Map ~ Populated ~ NO CC My Sim Realty (Various custom worlds that include most if not all expansions) Sunset Valley 2020 (Updated to Island Paradise) Will need to travel to WA destinations as well as University.

Naga's Sunset Valley 7.0 (Updated to Seasons) Helps speed up load/exit times, CAS, Build/Buy and Create a Style. Recommend playing with Nraas ErrorTrap, Overwatch and MasterController for smoother gameplay and have the error reports looked at via Nraas Īlso recommend either these two mods below, depending on which version of the game you play. Here's a few I recommend looking into, in no particular order.: However, there are some custom worlds and save files that have lots and objects added to them from the different expansion packs. From what I remember reading, there isn't an EA created world by default, that has everything from all the expansions in it.